Landlords in Los Angeles and Orange counties have jacked up rents at more than twice the national rate since the wildfires.
Vivo Energy has partnered with Rent Works East Africa to acquire 69 state-of-the-art Hyundai Tucson, to be used by the company’s sales teams.In the four-year deal, Caetano – the authorized Hyundai ...
Renters in Manhattan were met with record-high rents in February, with a median rent of $4,500 — a 6.4% uptick from the same time last year. Prices also rose in Brooklyn and Queens as vacancy rates ...
The neighborhood has quite a few popular businesses, including a famous barbecue restaurant and a membership-only warehouse ...
If you've been in an accident and your car needs some work, whether insurance will pay for a rental car during repairs ...
South Lake Tahoe’s Measure T is unconstitutional, an El Dorado County judge ruled Thursday rejecting the controversial short-term rental measure initiative in its entirety.
In March, online mortgage marketplace Lending Tree, using Census data from 2023, found that renting vs. buying favored ...
As Tax Day nears, fiscally conservative leaders in several states are pushing to abolish property taxes, with one ...
The extra-high boots are made for traveling — and the singer landed in Austin ahead of her SXSW performance in style.
You save save up to 50% on a Disney hotel stay by renting Disney Vacation Club points from David's Vacation Club Rentals.
The Pew Charitable Trusts recommended that municipalities loosen land-use restrictions to allow for more housing to be built.
“Oh my god, I ordered Scrub Daddy from Costco, and I see the package. And I recognize that, so I don’t read it any further,” she says in the video. “I just hit ‘order.’ Tell me why the whole family ...