Anchor] The police strongly protested that the raid on the presidential safety house was canceled due to the restriction of ...
A special police team summoned Choo Kyung-ho, former floor leader of the People's Power Party, as a suspect this ...
Rallies and marches are continuing throughout the city, including Gwanghwamun and around the Constitutional Court, calling ...
Anchor] Brentford Kim Ji-soo, who is drawing attention as the 'second Kim Min-jae', made his Premier League debut 18 months ...
Thousands of Busan citizens calling for the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol visited Park Soo-young's district office, chairman of the People's Power Busan Party, and held an eight-hour protest.
Along with the arrest and prosecution of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun in connection with the emergency martial law incident, the results of the investigation have been announced, and ...
Anchor] Heungkuk Life Insurance, a professional volleyball women's team, broke its three-game losing streak with Kim Yeon-kyung and Jung Yoon-joo's double ...
Anchor] The high-ranking government official's criminal investigation office has notified President Yoon Suk Yeol that he will be investigated tomorrow, but ...
Anchor] This time, let's look into the unprecedented move of acting president Choi Sang-mok to act as an acting president and prime minister.In addition to ...
2024.12.28. 오후 11:30. "2024년 한 해를 돌아보며" 재외동포사회 뉴스 [저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지] ...
2024.12.29. 오전 00:14. 뉴스, 리뷰Y> 시작해 봅니다. 먼저, 조수진 시청자 평가원이 가져오신 오늘의 주제부터 들어보겠습니다. 12·3 비상계엄 이후 사회적 혼란은 계속되고 있으며, 이로 인한 경제적, 외교적 ...
사상 초유의 대통령 권한대행 탄핵에 외신도 2주 만의 두 번째 탄핵안 통과라며 주목했습니다. 탄핵안을 촉발한 헌법재판관 임명 문제나 정족수 논란 등 복잡한 사안도 상세히 다루면서, 한국의 정국 혼란이 길어질 것을 우려했습니다 ...