ALG trigger problems on my Arsenal - AK Rifles
Sep 15, 2016 · ALG trigger problems on my Arsenal Jump to Latest 9.9K views 15 replies 9 participants last post by AZAK Nov 5, 2016
Current trigger options - AK Rifles
Feb 2, 2021 · ALG AKT-EL is my favorite AK trigger, the UL is too light for my tastes. PSA makes a pretty solid nickel boron coated trigger, comes with fcg pins and plate, only $40. I have one in a Saiga and have no complaints for the cost.
ALG Trigger - AK Rifles
Jan 30, 2022 · Recently had an ALG trigger installed in my 5.56 Saiga. Several rifles now have this trigger and all seem to have a different feel. By far one I have in my Wasr3 has the best feel. Nice crisp break almost like a single stage. I installed one in my IO Beryl/Archer, and although has the slightest take up, its almost negligible.
Trigger Help Needed - AK Rifles
Jan 11, 2022 · More affordable is very appreciated. The ALG is pricey. I just want a decent trigger. Definitely not trying to do precision shooting. Edit: Just looked at PSA and they have a trigger for $60 that is an ALG. $60 seems fair to me. I am thinking I'll go for it.
ALG trigger for zpap - AK Rifles
Oct 2, 2020 · So I just installed ALG trigger in my zpap and the bow is rubbing against the trigger guard. Contacted a few people they suggested I should file down the bow, ALG also suggested this, they also suggested I take my ak to a gunsmith that’s familiar with the platform so they can replace my trigger guard.
ALG Defense AKT trigger group issue - AK Rifles
Jan 24, 2017 · ALG Defense AKT trigger group issue Jump to Latest 5.1K views 5 replies 5 participants last post by awiner Jan 11, 2018
ALG Trigger. Hard use issues - AK Rifles
Nov 20, 2015 · The rivet is the problem, an excerpt from their site "The ALG Defense AK series of triggers were designed to work with most AK variants without fitting. With AK variants that have a rivet for the rear of the trigger guard, commonly acting as an anti-slap feature, this rivet should be no greater than 0.062 inches tall.
KP-9 / KR-9 trigger swap - AK Rifles
Jul 10, 2022 · I have a KP-9. bought the ALG/EL trigger group. started to install, did the roll pin install adjustment. observed the gigantic rivet behind the trigger. yes, I should have explored all this first. While studying and thinking about if I was going to grind off it off, saw post about hammer profile and noticed big difference there also.
Installed ALG Defense Trigger on my SAR-1 - AK Rifles
Apr 8, 2023 · The little spring, I used an alignment tool from the right side to hold it all in place while I pushed trigger pin in. I bought a trigger gauge w/my 1st ALG. It tested at 3.5#. Same as a G2 in another rifle. The difference in the two was the travel. Be certain to check all those clearances for the roll pin and the rear rivet. Good Luck
Best "better than Tapco" trigger choice? - AK Rifles
Mar 21, 2017 · The G2 has about 5/16" total trigger travel, reset distance of about 1/8" and a trigger pull of about 1/4" The ALG has a total trigger travel of about 5/32", Reset of 1/16" and a trigger pull of 3/32" to 1/8" Id say the ALG is the most AR like trigger you will find for an AK. You will have to modify the sear if your trigger guard rivet is high.